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SVD,Linear Systems and Least Square#

Linear System of equations \(X\theta=Y\)

X and Y is known where \(\theta\) to be found.

In most cases X is square matrix and invertible but SVD helps us to generalize solution for non square X

Non-square matrices (m-by-n matrices for which m ≠ n) do not have an inverse. A square matrix that is not invertible is called singular or degenerate. A square matrix is singular if and only if its determinant is 0.

In linear algebra an n-by-n (square) matrix A is called invertible (some authors use nonsingular or nondegenerate)

There the term psuedo inverse comes in picture, where we use SVD to calculate the inverse of a non square matrix.

Types of Non-Square Matrix solutions#

m = number of samples(number of rows)
n = number of features(number of columns)

Underdetermined (m<n)#

               X                  𝜃     Y
 ______________________________   _     _
|        SHORT                 | | | = | |
|        FAT                   | | |   | |
|______________________________| | |   |_|
                                 | |
                                 | |

In general \(\infty\) many solutions of \(\theta\) given Y. as there are not enough samples available of Y to determine \(\theta\). But again there are cases where solution is possible. We’ll understand more about this later.

Overdetermined (m>n)#

       X          𝜃     Y
 ______________   _     _
|     TALL     | | | = | |
|    SKINNY    | | |   | |
|              | | |   | |
|              | | |   | |
|              | | |   | |
|              | |_|   | |
|              |       | |
|              |       | |
|______________|       |_|

In general 0 solution of \(\theta\) given Y. But again we can cook up matrix that generates a solution.

This is where SVD helps, It generates the best approximate psuedo inverse that gives us a result for \(\theta\) for best fit.

Minimum Norm Solution#

for underdetermined cases

\({{min || \tilde{\theta} ||_2}\atop{\text{minimum norm soln}}} {s.t. X \tilde{\theta} = Y}\)

It is like cheapest way to multiply matrix X to \(\theta\)

I am not sure If I understand this

Least Squares Solution (Calculating \(\tilde{\theta}\))#

for overdetermined cases

\(minimize || X \tilde{\theta} - Y ||_2\)

\(X = \hat{U} \hat{\Sigma} \hat{V}^T (\text{economy})\)

\begin{align} & X \tilde{\theta} = Y \\ & \hat{U} \hat{\Sigma} \hat{V}^T \tilde{\theta} = Y\\ & \hat{V} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{U}^T \hat{U} \hat{\Sigma} \hat{V}^T \tilde{\theta} = \hat{V} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{U}^T Y\\ & \tilde{\theta} = \hat{V} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{U}^T Y \end{align}

where \begin{align} \hat{U}^T \hat{U} = I\\ \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{\Sigma} = I\\ \hat{V} \hat{V}^T = I \end{align}

Moore-Penrose Inverse#

\(X^\dagger = V \Sigma^{-1} U^T\)

It is called the Moore–Penrose inverse. where \(X^\dagger\)(X-dagger) is psuedo inverse.

But what happens when we again multiply \(\tilde{\theta}\) to X ?

\begin{align} X \tilde{\theta} \\ \hat{U} \hat{\Sigma} \hat{V}^T \hat{V} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{U}^T Y \\ \hat{U} \hat{U}^T Y \end{align}

because \begin{align} \hat{V}^T \hat{V} = I \\ \hat{\Sigma} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} = I\\ \text{but} && \hat{U} \hat{U}^T \ne I \end{align}

because It is an economy SVD and in economy SVD U matrix is not a square matrix. For proof see SVD doc.

This is the reason why the result is not exactly Y.

projection of Y onto span(U) [Columns of U] and that means span(X) [Columns of X]

Understanding spaces#

Solution of \(X \theta = Y\) exists only and only if Y is in column space of X.


  • Column space of A [col(A)] = Column space of \(\hat{U}\) [col(\(\hat{U}\))] … range

  • Kernel of \(A^T\) [ker(\(A^T\))] … orthogonal compliment to col(A) (The orthogonal complement is a subspace of vectors where all of the vectors in it are orthogonal to all of the vectors in a particular subspace. For instance, if you are given a plane in ℝ³, then the orthogonal complement of that plane is the line that is normal to the plane and that passes through (0,0,0).)

  • Row space of A [row(A)] = Row space of \(V^T\) [row(\(V^T\))] = Column space of V [col(V)]

  • Kernel of A [ker(A)] … null space (In mathematics, the kernel of a linear map, also known as the null space or nullspace, is the linear subspace of the domain of the map which is mapped to the zero vector.)


Calculate with Data#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression

With 1 Feature#

X,Y = make_regression(n_samples=50,n_features=1,noise=20)
Y = Y.reshape(-1,1)
X.shape, Y.shape
((50, 1), (50, 1))
U,S,VT = np.linalg.svd(X,full_matrices=False)
U.shape, S.shape, VT.shape
((50, 1), (1,), (1, 1))
theta_tilde = VT.T @ np.linalg.pinv(np.diag(S)) @ U.T @ Y
Y_pred = X @ theta_tilde
%matplotlib inline




With 2 features#

X,Y = make_regression(n_samples=500,n_features=2,noise=50)
Y = Y.reshape(-1,1)
X.shape, Y.shape
((500, 2), (500, 1))
U,S,VT = np.linalg.svd(X,full_matrices=False)
U.shape, S.shape, VT.shape
((500, 2), (2,), (2, 2))
theta_tilde = VT.T @ np.linalg.pinv(np.diag(S)) @ U.T @ Y
Y_pred = X @ theta_tilde
%matplotlib inline

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

ax.scatter(X[...,0],X[...,1],Y, cmap='viridis',label='original')
ax.scatter(X[...,0],X[...,1],Y_pred, cmap='viridis',label='predicted')



Another method to calcualte \(\tilde{\theta}\)#

\(X \theta = Y\)

\(\tilde{\theta} = pinv(X) Y\)

theta_tilde2 = np.linalg.pinv(X) @ Y
Y_pred = X @ theta_tilde2


Boston housing data regression analysis#

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
dataset = load_boston()
X,Y =,,1)
X.shape, Y.shape
((506, 13), (506, 1))
U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(X,full_matrices=False)
theta_tilde = VT.T @ np.linalg.pinv(np.diag(S)) @ U.T @ Y
Y_pred = X @ theta_tilde
